Tina Zorman and Eternal Yemen in Slovene media

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Aid to everyone !

Kids having fun in the pools of Wadi D'farho in Soqotra Island, Yemen

Wadi D'farho is one of the wadis that run from the north to the south of Soqotra (Socotra) Island, Yemen and basically separate the central Soqotrian plateau to the western Dixam and eastern Momi plateau.
For most of the year the wadis are dry, while during the rains, the rivers shape and reshape the wadis appereance. In some parts of the wadis, the pools stay all along the year and offer a precious refreshment during the hot months in Soqotra.  
If your time in Soqotra allows you, try to go from north to the south via unpaved road of Wadi D'farho, as you will experience the beautiful botanical garden of Soqotra. A special reward are Adenium obesum socotranum trees, known also as Desert rose or Bottle trees, that can be found all around Soqotra Island, but in Wadi D'farho, the colors of their flowers are strikingly dark pink.